Mittwoch, 14. November 21:15 – 22:45
Milonga - how to play with the music!
How to interpret the phrase "question-answer" for a better musical use. (Time - double time)
Preis 20 €, ermäßigt 15 € (inkl. Tangonacht) - Teilnahme auch ohne Partner möglich
Samstag, 17. November
WS 1) 12:00 – 13:30 Frauentechnik
Find yourserlf, find your balance, find your expression
WS 2) 14:00 – 15:30 : Changes of front and dynamics in closed embrace.
Technical Application: We are going to work with Linear and circular sequences for use in the milonga. We will show you different examples and how to use or create the internal and external space in and with the “short distance” in the tango embrace (Pivots and extra-pivots).
WS 3) 16:00 – 17:30 – Linear and Circular Boleos.
How to apply relaxation and contraction for change of dinámica
Explanation: The use of the sequential pendulum movement of the leg to generate acceleration or “slow motions” effects.
24:00 Show auf dem Mala Junta Herbstball ab 20:30 mit Live-Musik von Bandonegro Orchestra
Sonntag, 18. November
WS 4) 14:30 – 16:00 – Tango de Salon
The legacy of the ancient milongueros and their evolution.
Explanation: Review and analysis of the old traditional sequences complemented with the contemporary Tango technique.
WS 5) 16:30 – 18:00 – Vals
learning how to use the body for dancing vals, the suports, the center of gravity, the music, to reach the goal to be in the floatation
1 WS = 30/25 EUR / 2 WS = 56/46 EUR / 3 WS = 81/69 EUR / 4 WS = 95/80 EUR / 5 WS = 100/85 EUR
* Ermäßigung (u.a. Schüler, Studenten, Azubis, Arbeitslose, Berlinpass und Halbjahreskartentänzer des mala junta)
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